Volunteer Opportunities
The PTO aims to involve as many parent volunteers as possible. There are a variety of options whether you want to help out from home or volunteer at an event.
Volunteering has a tremendous benefit to your children and all the children at Cole School. Check out opportunities and sign up for one task or multiple events.
Also, please email us if you have any questions or concerns at coleptonews@gmail.com.
Here's a sample of volunteer opportunities!
Stay and Play Committee
Volunteers will help plan or fall and./or spring Stay and Play events.
Winter Fair
Date TBD
Volunteers will help plan this fun event and help out with set up, clean up and running the event.
Scholastic Book Fair
Dates TBD
Volunteer to help oversee the book fair, or sign up to run the registers during one of the available slots!
Cole School Socials
Volunteers will help to plan evening social events