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PTO Dues
Annual Student Dues Campaign – We ask each family to contribute a dues fee of $75/child so that we can fully fund all enrichment programs, field trips and related transportation. This amount is significantly less than the enrichment cost per student so paying your dues will be much more financially beneficial to you than being assessed field trip and transportation costs!
Cole School PTO is a 5013C non-profit organization, therefore dues payments are considered a donation and tax-deductible.

How to Pay
Dues are $75 per child, per year, in grades K-5.
To pay by check: Make checks payable to "Cole School PTO" and send it into school. Note student name(s) on the Memo line.
To pay via Venmo: Make payment to @Cole School-PTO. Note student name(s) on the "What's it for?" line.​
Thank you for your support!
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